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Welcome to Weather-Above
Sharron Hardwick,
Tearfund Voluntary Media Officer
- Pembrokeshire
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Kenya violence
hampers humanitarian work
3 January 2008
SuperBadger is Tearfund's revolutionary
Facebook application,
hoping to unite thousands of Facebook
users in the fight against global poverty
Burma cyclone
emergency appeal
Myanmar cyclone: 15 thousand dead and
thousands homeless. Pembrokeshire's Prayers
And Support Needed.
Tearfund Calculating
Global Impact
Please Give Generously
To Help Ethiopia Food Shortages
News article 09/07/2008
Local Tearfund Volunteers
Promote All I Want For
Christmas Campaign
Texting is the most popular toilet pastime
in Wales, with one in four people
(534,000 people)
texting whilst on the loo,